Unleashed Podcast

70-What Would You Do If You Lost Everything?

Episode Summary

Welcome back to the Unleashed Podcast, I am your host, Kristina Sjolund. And today, I want to talk about something that happened in an interview. I was asked this question, What if you lost everything today, and you had to start over from scratch? Well, my initial reaction is, I would put my nose to the grindstone, I would be hitting it, whatever it is, and I wouldn't stop. I would have my blinders on, I would be grinding hard. Right? Well, that is really easy to say, but there's more to it than that. Then I really start to think about the details and the mapping out of everything, if you want to have something with longevity and you want to make something that's very impactful, that's going to build a foundation and stick around, you're have to map it out. Let's dive into what mapping out looks like, ready?

Episode Notes

•   So it's something that you're going to have to keep going back to, it's the map. It's what you do. It's kind of like throwing spaghetti against the wall, you can just kind of go with things any way, but you're going to really want to have this foundation and do this every time with every business that you build. (4:38)

•  What type of business is it, and why does it exist? So your mission statement, or your mission statement is your business's reason for existing, and what it represents. So if you think about Tesla, Tesla, their mission statement is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. Tesla and Elon Musk, they've got their vision and they're working towards it every single day. The dude doesn't stop...he literally does not stop. (7:39)

•  You have to set boundaries. So I won't sacrifice my important time with my kids, all time with my kids is important. Right? But I remember there was our 20-year class reunion, and I was supposed to go... I hadn't been... I think I missed my 10 year, and I was supposed to go to the 20-year. I was really looking forward to it, but my daughter had a race, she raced quarter midgets, and I was like, Man, I really don't want to miss this race because she gets really excited about it and everything. Okay, so I did not go to the reunion, and thank God I didn't, because that was her first race that she won that day, had I gone, I would have missed that. (12:32)

•  So, you're going to use social media, messenger, posts, groups, wherever you're going to have your contacts, share posts and whatnot. You can use phone. Now these, these are just five ideas, these are not set in stone, if you've got other ways to be able to do it, write those down. Whatever it is that you're going to be launching. These are just ideas. Alright, so phone, where you're going to use your phone for texting, person-to-person voice calls, communication apps such as Marco Polo, that's like a video texting service, voice texting, but your best way is to have an actual live conversation. (17:51)

•  While you're building that up and dripping in and the social media design, map out your messages. So I had in the beginning, I had eight podcast subjects, eight subjects that I wanted to speak on, and then I just started mapping those out, I started creating the message for each of those, and then go ahead and work on strengthening your business plan because the stronger your foundation, the better. And the stronger and longer it's going to be around. Don't feel the need for it to be perfect, you just need it to be there. You've got to just have that vision to start with, and remember why you're doing it. (24:10)



• Kristina's Website: https://kristinasjolund.com
• Unleashed Facebook Group: http://unleashedinsiders.com
• Kristina’s Instagram: @kristinaunleashed

APRIL 28, 2021